Notice of Special Resolution Meeting – Monday 10th February

Notice is hereby given to the members of the Doncaster and Districts Netball Association (trading as Manningham Netball Association) of an upcoming Special Resolutions Meeting.

TIME: 7:00pm

DATE: Monday 10th February 2025

VENUE: Pavilion at the Manningham Netball Courts, Cnr Foote & Anderson Streets, Templestowe.

Members will be asked to consider and, if thought fit, pass the following Special Resolution at a Special General Meeting of the Doncaster and Districts Netball Association / Manningham Netball Association (“the Association”).

Special Resolution 1: That the name of the “Doncaster and Districts Netball Association Inc” be changed to “Manningham Netball Association Inc”.

If passed, the outcome from the vote on this Special Resolution would be that Doncaster and Districts Netball Association Inc would be renamed Manningham Netball Association Inc.

The Association has already rebranded and is largely operating as Manningham Netball Association. Passing this resolution would allow the Association to change its legal name and then update its bank accounts, contracts, and other official documents to use the new name.

If you require any further information please contact