Over 1400 members and 8 Clubs

NetSetGO, Tuesday Ladies, Saturday Junior and Seniors, All Abilities, and Representative

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Manningham Netball is a Child Safe Association

We have zero tolerance for child abuse

We have systems in place to protect Children

We support and respect all children from diverse cultures or with disabilities or different needs

We at Manningham Netball believe children and young people should:

  • Feel comfortable
  • Be cared for
  • Feel safe and be safe
  • It is always okay to tell someone if you are not feeling comfortable or safe or if you have been hurt.
  • If you ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable, we will listen to you and act to help you.
  • It is okay for you to say NO to an adult if they ask you to do something that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
  • It is not okay for anyone to hurt your feelings or your body.

Contact the Manningham Netball President if you have any concerns about Children or Young People.

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Inspiring women to get active – however, wherever and whenever they choose, without being judged.

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SALT Sport and Life Training.
Transforming Australian Culture through sport.