Child Safety

Member Behaviour, Safety and Child Protection

As an affiliate of Netball Victoria, Manningham Netballs adopts the Codes of Conduct, Policies and Procedures of Netball Victoria and Netball Australia.

All Association members and associated personnel, including players, family members, spectators, umpires, team managers and coaches, are required to comply with Codes of Behaviour, Policies and Procedures with regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by Netball Australia, Netball Victoria, Member Organisations or Affiliates.

Where a complaint, incident or matter arises which may be dealt with under the Child Safety in Netball Policy (the “Policy”), then it is to be resolved in accordance with the processes in the Policy, to the exclusion of all other Netball Victoria disciplinary or grievance policies or processes. 

For the avoidance of doubt, this means that where a complaint relates to Child Safety and falls within the scope of this Policy, this Policy will prevail and any such complaint shall be dealt with in accordance with this Policy and not the Netball Victoria Member Protection Policy (or any other Netball Victoria Policy).


Netball Australia Member Protection Policy

Child Safety Standards and Netball Victoria Child Safety in Netball Policy

Governance and Reporting – Child Safety in Netball Policy, Code of Conduct and Compliance Mananagment guides

Child Safety and Codes of Conduct:

  • Children 5-12
  • Children 13-18
  • Netball Families and Carers
  • Coaches and Umpires

Child Safeguarding and Training Resources

Committee and Volunteer – Child Safety in Netball Code of Conduct, Policies and Resources